“Saga” album review on Mob Toronto (Canada)

MobToronto - Dark Model - Saga

“Dark Model isn’t selling music. He’s selling a concept. That concept is you as the hero. It’s the closest thing to Musical Virtual Reality that you can get.”

A music website Mob Toronto (Canada) posted a detailed, creative, and thought-provoking review on the album “Saga.” We would like to give a big thanks to the author Curtis Morgan for the great job.

“If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a Dark Model album is worth an epic movie trilogy. Think the Lord Of The Rings Trilogy on speed. I say trilogy, as opposed to just one film (which several composers use as their inspiration for scoring), because, unlike conventional composers, Dark Model’s Tatsuya Oe seems to have taken on the daunting task of filling the soundscape with so much texture that it is almost like he is manifesting several characters, emotions, and directing actions in each piece, not dissimilar from what a director does.”

“If you have been looking for your theme music when you go out to conquer, look no further. This album will turn a jog on the treadmill into a desperate run through Middle Earth. It will turn bobbing and weaving through cottage traffic on the highway in your Honda Civic before the beer gets warm into a race against time to save the girl in your Aston Martin before the missile she’s strapped to launches.”

New Album “Saga” from Dark Model on Mob Toronto

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